Monday, November 30, 2009

God's Timing

"God has given them a desire to know the future. He does
everything just right and on time, but people can never completely understand what he is doing." (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NCV).

Solomon, the author God inspired to write the book of Ecclesiastes, notes that God has an absolute plan and a purpose for all He does. Though we do not always understand (or agree), God's plans are always "just right and on time."

When those plans suit us, we have no problem declaring God's love and His absolute sovereignty. But, how about those times when His plans are painful or not so timely? Maybe it is an "unplanned" sickness or a job loss or a _______ (you fill in the blank). How quick do we start to question God's plan?

As a believer, our life is not always easy. Even with God as our very life, our experience in this world is, at times, painful and frustrating. Think about Joseph. Not the Joseph in the New Testament, but Joseph the son of Jacob in the Old Testament, beginning in Genesis 37.

Throughout Joseph's life, he maintained a deep understanding that, regardless of the circumstances, God is good and does good. God's plans are perfect and his timing is impeccable. All things happened at just the right moment.

At just the right moment, his brother's despised him.

At just the right moment, they threw him in a pit.

At just the right moment, a caravan came by.

At just the right moment, Joseph was sold into slavery.

At just the right moment, Potiphar's wife came to him.

At just the right moment, she accused him of inappropriate sexual advances.

At just the right moment, he was thrown into prison.

At just the right moment, he was given watch over the other prisoners.

At just the right moment, Joseph was brought in front of Pharaoh.

At just the right moment, he was put in charge of whole land of Egypt.

At just the right moment, his brothers came to him to buy grain.

At just the right moment, Joseph was united with his family.

Satan would like nothing more than for us to start to question God's timing. He tries to deceive us into thinking that God has forgotten about us. But we can take comfort in the fact that we never leave His presence. The circumstances around us may be painful, but we can also know that God is working all things for our good. (Romans 8:28).

Trusting God gives us peace. It certainly gave Joseph peace. He maintained his focus and trust on the One who is completely trustworthy, regardless of the challenges he faced. Everything God does or allows to happen is "just right and on time."

Stay Strong.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Praising God Even in the "Bad" Times

At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ to God the Father.
(Ephesians 5:20 AMP).

"Life is not always that good." These were words angrily spoken to me by a former neighbor. We were deep in a discussion on the challenges that we all sometimes face. I had tried to encourage him that the frustrations that he currently faced were not insurmountable. But, I think I frustrated him with my "glass half full" perspective on life. After this discussion, I believe we simply accepted each other for who God has created each of us to be.

When times are challenging, when life is not going that well, do you still believe that God is praiseworthy? Your answer to that question will speak a great deal as to your level of trust in Him. God promises us that we will experience trials and tough times in our life. And, in the midst of these times, God further promises us that He will never leave us. When we are walking through the valley, and we feel deserted and alone--the truth of the matter is--our feelings are lying to us--we are not alone.

Isn't that a comfort knowing that He is always with us! On top of this, He always has our good in mind. (Romans 8:28). I believe His peace comes from knowing that I am never alone and that He always has my good in mind--even in those situations that I perceive as bad. This peace gives me boldness to know that whatever comes my way today--the good, the bad, or the unbelievably bad--I can handle it. Because it is not me handling it--it's US--Jesus and me. That peace allows me to be thankful in all situations.

Let me close with this question--are you seeing the good that God intends in those situations that you perceive as bad? Seeing the good in all situations gives us a thankful heart ready to praise Him always.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I hope that you will see the good that God intends in your life.
I wish each of you a blessed time for giving thanks.

Stay Strong.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How are You Doing with Humbleness?

But He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes
the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
(James 4:6 NIV).

Your answer to the challenge question in the title may indicate a great deal about your attitude towards humbleness. Throughout Scripture, God continually encourages us to "be humble", and to "have a humble heart". And for those who are not humble, He promises to bring humility into their lives--at times, with some painful reminders. God loves a humble heart. But let's just cut to the chase--you may try to achieve humbleness on your own, but YOU cannot do it.

If you have placed your trust in the saving blood of Christ, you have His indwelling spirit. Jesus Christ lives inside of you. And what does He say of Himself--"I am gentle and humble in heart." So, guess what--you possess those same characteristics. All that Christ is lives inside of you. You and He are one. So, why don't I always allow those characteristics to show in my behavior?

Because they are completely contrary to the way I was before trusting Christ. By my old nature, I wanted things my way; I wanted to show people that I was in control; and I wanted people to pay attention to me. But now, my old nature is gone--it has been crucified. It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives inside of me. (Galatians 2:20). Those old ways of doing things no longer have control over me. Now, it is Christ's life and all that He is that has taken over.

So, when I exhibit those old habits--it is completely contrary to who (and whose) I now am. When I am proud and self-focused, I am living a lie. When I am focused on drawing attention to myself, I am believing something that is just not true.

God does give His grace to those that are humble. But, His opposition falls in the way of those who lift up themselves. Personally, I prefer His grace. How about you?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How Much is Too Much?

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. (Romans 8:28 NLT).

Many times, I have heard people say, "God will never give us more that we can handle." This is usually said in an attempt to comfort one who is wading through deep waters. I am sure the comforter's intentions are completely pure. And, at times, these words are comforting. But, I think the words can have an even deeper comfort when we understand God's plan for us-especially when the waves of life come crashing in.

We serve a loving, amazingly awesome God. Not only has he provided a means of spending eternity in His presence, but also, today, offers those who have placed their faith in Him the promise of an abundant life. (John 10:10). This abundant life does not mean a life without challenges. And some of these challenges are extremely painful. I think of the mother and father experiencing the untimely death of young child; or the rejection felt by an unsuspecting spouse dealt by a soon to be ex-husband or wife. My heart absolutely bleeds in these unfortunate times. And, today, it seems they happen all to often.

Sometimes, God does give me more than we can handle in our own strength. His purpose, I believe, is to bring us to end of our self. A place where we no longer rely upon our own means to "get through." In that spot, He takes over. His life, being lived out through ours, means we can do all things--not on our own, but by relying upon Him. It means we have a hope. A hope we so desperately need.

We can place our trust that God is not surprised or caught off guard with what is going on. Please know when you go through tough, tough times you have never ever left His presence. He has not forgotten about you. His plan, though we don't understand it, is designed to draw us closer to Him so we can experience His love in a much deeper way. Please rest in that.

Father, we know full well that we never leave your amazing presence. Though there are times we feel apart from you, please allow us to know that our feelings, at times, deceive us. We know your words says that you will never leave us or forsake us. Allow us to rest in that truth. There will be times in our life when the waves come crashing that are especially painful. In these times, we know that you are working for our good. We trust you. We love you. Thank you for the hope and peace that can only come from you. Amen!

Stay Strong,
