"God has given them a desire to know the future. He does
everything just right and on time, but people can never completely understand what he is doing." (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NCV).
Solomon, the author God inspired to write the book of Ecclesiastes, notes that God has an absolute plan and a purpose for all He does. Though we do not always understand (or agree), God's plans are always "just right and on time."
When those plans suit us, we have no problem declaring God's love and His absolute sovereignty. But, how about those times when His plans are painful or not so timely? Maybe it is an "unplanned" sickness or a job loss or a _______ (you fill in the blank). How quick do we start to question God's plan?
As a believer, our life is not always easy. Even with God as our very life, our experience in this world is, at times, painful and frustrating. Think about Joseph. Not the Joseph in the New Testament, but Joseph the son of Jacob in the Old Testament, beginning in Genesis 37.
Throughout Joseph's life, he maintained a deep understanding that, regardless of the circumstances, God is good and does good. God's plans are perfect and his timing is impeccable. All things happened at just the right moment.
At just the right moment, his brother's despised him.
At just the right moment, they threw him in a pit.
At just the right moment, a caravan came by.
At just the right moment, Joseph was sold into slavery.
At just the right moment, Potiphar's wife came to him.
At just the right moment, she accused him of inappropriate sexual advances.
At just the right moment, he was thrown into prison.
At just the right moment, he was given watch over the other prisoners.
At just the right moment, Joseph was brought in front of Pharaoh.
At just the right moment, he was put in charge of whole land of Egypt.
At just the right moment, his brothers came to him to buy grain.
At just the right moment, Joseph was united with his family.
Satan would like nothing more than for us to start to question God's timing. He tries to deceive us into thinking that God has forgotten about us. But we can take comfort in the fact that we never leave His presence. The circumstances around us may be painful, but we can also know that God is working all things for our good. (Romans 8:28).
Trusting God gives us peace. It certainly gave Joseph peace. He maintained his focus and trust on the One who is completely trustworthy, regardless of the challenges he faced. Everything God does or allows to happen is "just right and on time."
Stay Strong.