Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let
petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful
what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
(Philippians 4:6-7 MSG).
Very simply, this passage tells us not to worry. Simple in theory, but difficult in application--right? Can you even imagine not worrying about anything? What would occupy our mind throughout our day if the worries of life did not consume our thoughts? You know the worries that seem to take center stage--family concerns, job security, financial well-being--to generally name a few. These things concern us, and, at times, we wonder what would life be like if one of these general areas was knocked off center.
The good news--God understands our concerns. So much so, He empowered the apostle Paul to write these words in a time when Paul had, from a wordly perspective, a great deal to worry about. To Paul, these were not just hollow words written on paper. These were words poured out by his own flesh and blood. God gave Paul His grace and strength to not worry. He does the same for you and I.
Rather than worry, God's word tells us to pray with a heart full of thanks. In doing so, He offers His peace. This is not some shallow peace found in the moment based upon positive thinking, absence of conflict, or in good feelings. God's peace defies our understanding. It is based upon the absolute fact that He is in control, that He is completely trustworthy, and that He is completely in love with you.
What do you have to worry about? I encourage you to allow His life, which is living through yours, to meet your worries at their source. And, allow His truth to show you that He is working everything together for good--your good. In this, you have His peace.
Enjoying His Peace,