Saturday, March 21, 2009

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?

As men, we sometimes struggle with a consistent prayer life. There are many distractions that take our focus (and our time) from where it truly should be--on God. Prayer is a means of aligning our will with His. It's saying--"not my will, but that Yours be done."

As you go throughout your typical day, let me ask you this--is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? Let's take a brief look at this. Think about it--your steering wheel guides you down the road, it allows you to make corrections in our course, and is used to re-align things when we get out of our lane. Without a consistent focus on the steering wheel, we will quickly tend to end up where we did not intend. Even a slight variance can lead us dramatically off course. But our spare tire is something totally different. Many of us rarely even think about our spare tire. Only when an emergency arises do we begin to re-focus our attention upon the spare tire.

So, as it relates to prayer, is it our steering wheel or our spare tire?

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