Saturday, December 25, 2010

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

If you see your enemy hungry, go buy him lunch; if he's thirsty, bring him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness, and God will look after you. (Proverbs 25:21-22 Msg).

Buy him lunch? Bring him a drink? In my flesh, I do not want to do anything that could be perceived as good to those who have hurt me. Many times, I think--if I do something good to them then I am somehow letting them "off the hook." After all, shouldn't they be punished for what they did?

This passage makes it clear what God's standard is. He wants me to reach out to them. This standard even goes beyond forgiveness--He wants me to love them. He is asking me to meet a need of my enemy.

But, my emotions scream--"no way." My emotions, however, do not govern my behavior. That's the job of my will. And, I can set my will on the truth of God's word and realize--I don't have to worry about my emotions or how I feel. After all, "God will look after [me]." He has my back. He has things under control exactly as He wants them. What is going on is no surprise to Him.

God has called me to "love my neighbor." (Mark 12:31). He has not asked me to judge. That is not a responsibility that He has delegated to me. And, I am thankful that He has not. I can accept those I come into contact with just as they are--regardless of how they have offended me. That is freedom. That is peace--God's peace.

Thank you, Father, for your peace. And, thank you that it is not
about me. You are in control. Guide me to set my mind on that
fact. So many times, I try to take on responsibilities that you have not
given to me. In this, I end up frustrated. Which I know brings me to
the point of surrendering again.

There are those that I come into contact with Father that I cannot love on my own. I know that you can, and your Word says that you will. Please do, through me. I love you, Father. And, I thank you for loving me. Thank you also for working your plans through my life. Amen!

Stay Strong,

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