Thursday, April 2, 2009

You are Not Your Own

Paul encourages us when he says, "[d]o you not know that you body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, whom you have received from God? You not your own; you were bought at a price." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV). This passage of scripture generally refers to sexual immorality. But, I think it can also be equally applied to other areas of our life.

As the temple which houses His Holy Spirit, God did not design you to be short with your children. God did not design you to share harsh words with your wife. God did not design you to be the employee that take shortcuts to just "get the job done." Instead, God took great care to design you to be a tool of His righteousness. He designed you to be an ambassador of His amazing grace and love to others. (2 Corinthians 5:20 NIV).

But what gets in the way of how He designed us. I think it is selfishness. When things do not go our way--what is our attitude? Do we get frustrated? Do we get angry and start to force "our" way? I admit--sometimes I do. But that is not how God created me to function. And that is not how He created you to function!

He bought each of us at a great price. We are no longer our own. Allow the Holy Spirit to live through you. Allow Him to take control of your attitudes, emotions, and feelings. Paul finishes his extortion with, "[t]herefore, honor God with your body." (1 Corinthians 6: 20(b)NIV). How are you honoring God? But remember, it's not you doing it. Allow Him to live through you.

Stay Strong.

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