Friday, May 29, 2009

Today's "To-Do" List

Generally, I am a "to-do" list type of person. I like to lay out and plan my day to prepare for what's ahead. Sometimes, I get frustrated when the schedule of my day gets turned upside down. I bet many of you can relate to this frustration.

But, let's think about this for a bit--what are we really trying to accomplish each and every day. Is it really about our agenda? If it is just about what YOU want to accomplish each day, I need to share with you a few words of caution. Be prepared for frustration.

Think about this--instead of MY agenda and what I want to accomplish--what if I considered each day an opportunity for me to allow Christ to manifest or live Himself through me. Isn't there freedom in this mindset? Under His guidance and control, we are freed from the burden of "thinking we are in control." And when the interruptions or burdens happen in our day, we can approach them with the confidence that we do not have to figure out what to do. We are continually seeking God's wisdom throughout our day. Really, isn't that where He wants us--dependent upon Him moment by moment.

Jesus, I do love you. Thank you that it is not about me--but that it is all about you. Father, please help me to set aside my desire to control things. I do want to just give up that desire to you. I want to step aside and allow you to just live your amazing life through me. I cannot do this in my own strength. And thank you that you do not leave me to fend in my own strength, but that I can rely truly upon Yours. Amen.

Stay Strong.

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