Thursday, June 25, 2009

Commitment to Press On

My amazing 12-year old daughter, Shelby, has followed the TV show Jon and Kate Plus 8 since its inception. Our DVR is full of old episodes. For those of you that are not familiar with this show, it documents the day to day highlights and struggles of a family with two sets of multiple births--a set of twins, and a set of sextuplets. They have opened their lives like few people would want to.

Recently, she has been praying for the parents, Jon and Kate. Shelby's heart has been truly heavy since she heard that they were experiencing trials in their marriage. Now this week, they announced, on the show, that they are separating. Shelby was visibly upset about this. As a dad, I tried to console and comfort her. I hurt for her.

Daily, we hear of marriages that are falling or have fallen apart. But, it was truly sad to see such direct evidence of a marriage that is crumbling. I asked myself--why is it so easy today to just give up on a marriage. Why have we lost the desire to stand by the vows that were spoken at some earlier, happier point?

Call me old-fashioned, but I believe that marriage still matters. It is not something that you just through out when times get challenging. It is a commitment made to each other and before God that many find so easy to break. I ask you to not run from it. It is worth a fight to keep this commitment.

I love my wife. Next to my relationship with Jesus Christ, she is my priority. But, do we have challenging valleys in our marriage?--Yes, we do. We have found these challenging times make the sweet times that much sweeter. She is my best friend. The one I want to spend times with.

But, it does take work. Not our work, but the work of the Holy Spirit to guide our steps, our words, and our outlook. Our job is to allow Him to have center stage. And, really isn't that the spot reserved for God? How many times do we want center stage? But, that is not our spot! God cares deeply about your marriage. Why not give Him a shot to make your marriage what He intended it to be. What do you have to lose?

Your marriage is worth it. It is worth fighting for.

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