The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8).
Wind--you can hear it. Many times, we can see what it is doing or the effect it has on something. But, we have no idea where it starts or where it ends. We can talk about low pressure systems or high pressure systems. I think it is ok that we do not really understand much about the wind.
This passage explains how the actual spirit of God functions in the life of one that has trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. The Holy Spirit, among other things, guides us, strengthens us, motivates us, convicts us, transforms us, and empowers us. Like the wind, we do not know where all of this comes from. But, we do see its effect. His power living inside of a believer is something to behold. Some examples include: the little whisper to reach out to a friend who really needed to talk at the moment you called; the small nudge to enter a moment of absolute worship; and the power to accomplish a task that is way beyond you.
There is a power inside of you--it is the actual spirit of the living Creator of this universe. Are you listening for the little whisper? Are you cognizant of that small nudge? It's there--it is so there--unmistakable, but still unexplainable. That power that allows us to do wonderful things. Does this power have you? I mean all of you. Every moment of every aspect of your day--does it have you? Our amazing God wants all of you. And in return, He promises to give all of Himself to you. What a promise?
Next time you hear the wind--think about how it touches everything around you--feel it on your face. And so, is the spirit of God.
"Father God, I want your filling Spirit to take over all of my
life. I surrender to you--I am dependent upon you. Empower me
through your Spirit that resides inside of me to listen to you and to always be
cognizant of your amazing presence in my life. I am all yours.
Guide me--use me--strengthen me."Stay Strong.