Friday, September 4, 2009

We Just Played

And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like
little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
18:3 NIV).

Our youngest child, Noah, started kindergarten this week. This has been a huge step in our life. A lot of time and preparation has brought us to this point--all the encouragement, the new school supplies packed neatly in his new back pack, the pictures at the school sign, and the nervous steps into his classroom. As I left to drive to work, an anxious feeling comes over me. I hope he will be alright. That morning, I thought about him a lot--what was he learning, how was he growing, what was he experiencing?

A couple of hours after we dropped him off, his first day was over. Later that day, I excitedly asked him "what did you do on your first day." His response was very matter of fact. He said, "[w]e just played." My first thought was c'mon, what do you mean, you just played. After all, it is kindergarten. What could that teacher be thinking. Let's get rolling with things--all kids have a lot to learn. Before I made an audible response, I believe the Holy Spirit grabbed my tongue.

Soon, I realized, after all, IT IS kindergarten. And, you play in kindergarten. That is what they do. Thinking about this for a bit, I realized how much I can learn from this.

Having an attitude that mirrors that of a child playing may be one of the most spiritual attitudes a Christian could have. Think about it--the child enjoys the moment. At that time, they are not worried about the future. They are not worried about their finances. Thoughts of challenges at work do not enter their mind. The weight of the world is nowhere to be found.

Children just play. And, they trust. Trusting in the fact that all he needs will be provided to him. Moment by moment, they are enjoying the moment they are in. God loves this attitude. He has given you and I the privilege to live as a child--His child. As His child, know that He has all the details already prepared and they are being worked out for your good and His glory.

Joyfully embrace each moment of your day with the knowledge that He wants to release you from the bondage many associate with life. He loves you and is waiting to just thrill you with that love.

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