Friday, June 19, 2009

The Challenge of Credibility

How are you at keeping your word? Today, the man who truly keeps his word is rare. Failure to keep one's word puts a definite (and potentially permanent) strain on your capability of being believed or trusted. This capability is the true definition of credibility. When you make a promise to your wife, does she have to worry whether you will follow through? Do your kids trust you when you say you will meet them at such and such a time? When you reply to concern of someone with, "Yes, I'll pray for you"--do you? When you obligate yourself to pay a debt on time--do you? No one's perfect--but your consistent failure in this regard, puts a tarnish on your credibility.

God's guidance through the written word of Paul provides that "each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor." (Ephesians 4:25 NIV). Let me ask you this--what long-term gain do you see by not keeping your word. Maybe it will be less painful for you right now, but at what expense? And really, it's not all about you, is it?

So, when you mess up, what do you do? I encourage you to admit your failure to the person you promised something to and refuse to rationalize it away. You will be amazed at what you will gain by this.

Stay Strong.

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