Saturday, June 6, 2009

Praise You in This Storm

All dads want to be praised and respected by his child(ren). I try to make it easy for our kids to praise me. But there are times when I have to just say no--and most children don't like to hear no. In those times, it is tougher for them to give me their praise and respect.

In my relation with my heavenly Father, I realize I am a lot like that. It is easier for me to praise God when things are going "my"way. But try this one: what dad would not really appreciate it if his kids still praised, loved, and respected him even when given the "no" answer. Such praise is not based upon whether the child gets "his" way. This is the type of praise that our Abba Father wants from us.

This is called a "sacrifice of praise." Hebrews 13:15 says, "[t]hrough Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name." (emphasis mine). This sacrifice of praise illustrates our true desire to praise God in all circumstances.

No doubt, it is easy to praise Him when things are well within your life--you have a loving family, you have a comfortable home, you have a job. But, what happens if those things are taken away from you like they were for Job. Do you truly believe that God always acts for your best good?

By praising Him in and for all of your circumstances, you open up your mind for God's alternatives: (1) God could change the circumstance; or (2) He could give you so much grace that you'll actually have the strength to get through the challenging spot.

I know through all of this that God completely, unequivocally, and unconditionally loves you.

Stay Strong.

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