Friday, November 20, 2009

Praising God Even in the "Bad" Times

At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ to God the Father.
(Ephesians 5:20 AMP).

"Life is not always that good." These were words angrily spoken to me by a former neighbor. We were deep in a discussion on the challenges that we all sometimes face. I had tried to encourage him that the frustrations that he currently faced were not insurmountable. But, I think I frustrated him with my "glass half full" perspective on life. After this discussion, I believe we simply accepted each other for who God has created each of us to be.

When times are challenging, when life is not going that well, do you still believe that God is praiseworthy? Your answer to that question will speak a great deal as to your level of trust in Him. God promises us that we will experience trials and tough times in our life. And, in the midst of these times, God further promises us that He will never leave us. When we are walking through the valley, and we feel deserted and alone--the truth of the matter is--our feelings are lying to us--we are not alone.

Isn't that a comfort knowing that He is always with us! On top of this, He always has our good in mind. (Romans 8:28). I believe His peace comes from knowing that I am never alone and that He always has my good in mind--even in those situations that I perceive as bad. This peace gives me boldness to know that whatever comes my way today--the good, the bad, or the unbelievably bad--I can handle it. Because it is not me handling it--it's US--Jesus and me. That peace allows me to be thankful in all situations.

Let me close with this question--are you seeing the good that God intends in those situations that you perceive as bad? Seeing the good in all situations gives us a thankful heart ready to praise Him always.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I hope that you will see the good that God intends in your life.
I wish each of you a blessed time for giving thanks.

Stay Strong.

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