Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doing the Impossible

I hope each of you had a joyous and restful Easter. This time of year is a wonderful time of renewal and newness of life all around. Take some time just to enjoy all that God is doing around you.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the challenges that you are facing? Do the deadlines, uncertainties, and frustrations, at times, seem to encompass all of your thoughts? If so, you are not alone. We do face trials--we do face tough times. But, please know we are not walking this path alone.

Not surprisingly, Jesus addressed challenges in His word. In Mark 3, Jesus again entered the synagogue, and a man with a withered hand was there. He asked the man to step forward and to "stretch out his hand." The man may have been thinking "stretch out my hand, what do you mean. I can't do that--I've never been able to do that. My hand doesn't work." But look at what the man does in v. 5, "he stretched it out." And immediately, Jesus healed him. As this man put forth the effort, God then did the rest.

Faith disregards impossibilities. This man placed his faith in the fact that God can do the impossible. What seems impossible to man is completely possible with God. (Luke 18:27 NIV). Do you believe that God can heal your "withered hand"? Please know, He can.

Place your trust in the fact that He has a plan for all the challenges we face. When we place our cares in His hands, we open the door for a peace which defies understanding to take the place of fear and frustration. Are you willing to give up the fear and frustration for that kind of peace?

Stay Strong.

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